Emerson Laverty





I lead an executive board of 5 other members and two software development teams made up of developers, UX designers, and project managers. We are developing an app to help students buy and sell parking on campus and a website to make course materials and study groups more available for students. We use skills and tools such as Git, HTML, CSS, React JS, React Native, Express.js, AWS, Docker, PostgreSQL, and SQL.

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Student Life



Computer Consultant II


I support a team of full-time engineers with maintaining various technologies throughout campus including access control, POS, digital signage, and AV equipment.

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Personal Website

Individual Project

Summer 2024

You are currently looking at it! In its current form it is only using HTML and CSS, and being hosted on GitHub Pages. In the future I plan to integrate some React and get my own custom domain.

Park Swift

VOID Tech Group Project


I am leading a team of software developers, UX designers, and product managers in the development of a mobile application designed to help students find and sell parking in Ann Arbor. The app is built with React Native and Expo and we are using a Firebase Firestore database. We are looking to launch the app in Fall 2024.

Basic Bank



EECS 281 Individual Project

Fall 2023

This is a class project for the University of Michigan's Data Structures & Algorithms class. I designed and developed a bank system in C++ which could handle login and logout of users, the placement and execution of transactions, and detect fraudulent transactions. I optimized the runtime and memory complexity through the use of hash tables, vectors, and stacks for storing data.


EECS 485

Web Systems

EECS 370

Intro to Computer


EECS 281

Data Structures

& Algorithms

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